Netflix changed The Notebook ending and fans want blood

There’s nothing wrong with the ending to The Notebook. Nicholas Sparks wrote an incredibly beautiful button to his 1996 novel, which director Nick Cassavetes nailed to perfection with his teary 2004 adaptation starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams.

Netflix apparently doesn’t think so, though.

According to UK subscribers (via The Playlist), the streaming giant has altered the original ending overseas, tailoring the finale so that viewers no longer see our two star-crossed lovers come to a lucid resolution before passing away together into the starry-night above.

(Read: A Guide to the Insanity of Nicholas Sparks)

Instead, they see a bird fly over a lake.

That means Gosling and McAdams’ older equivalents — the late James Garner and Gena Rowlands, respectively — ostensibly keep doing the same ol’ song and dance each day to battle the latter’s dementia. It’s a cold, albeit far more realistic, ending to the love story.

But it’s certainly not one the fans want, as you can see by their reactions below.

Netflix has since responded to the criticism (via TMZ), insisting they did not edit the film. “An alternate version exists and was supplied to us — we are getting to the bottom of it asap. Apparently, some films have more than one ending?!”

Clearly, according to Notebook Nuts, there’s only one ending for Noah and Allie. Revisit that one below and take solace in knowing that the forthcoming musical adaptation by Ingrid Michaelson will probably follow suit as well.

from Consequence of Sound
